Sunday, November 30, 2008

For Thanksgiving I went up to Nebraska to see my mommy's side of the family. We have a huge clan nowadays (over 70 people) and it can get quite chaotic. It was fun. I hung out with my cuz Karee all weekend and we had a blast. We found some cool hideouts, chased turkeys, and told secrets. Grandma and Grandpa treated us pretty awesome, cooking us food, giving us books for Christmas presents and just loving us to death.

This is a picture my dad took a couple of weeks ago. Don't I look pretty?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

That's gonna leave a mark! Anyway, second tournament in Tae Kwon Do. 2nd place.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oh yeah, I tested for Gold belt last week. How did I do, you ask?

Well, let's just say no one can get a grip on me...

And if you mess with me, I'll just give you a front high kick to the face!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Today is Easter. I had an Easter egg hunt. Greg and Kelly hosted a hunt at their house. I have the most eggs. I have 16 eggs. We went to a new church in Boulder called Highway. They gave us a huge chocolate egg when we left!

My mom and dad hosted a dinner at our house and a bunch of our friends came over to eat lots of good food. Greg brought me the movie Enchanted, so I watched it after dinner. It was super great!

The End.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Second ski season and I'm ready to rock. Mom & Dad hooked me up with some new Fishers and I eager to hit some powder...